Body | CF8 / CF8M / WCB / CF3 / CF3M |
Bonnet | CF8 / CF8M / WCB / CF3M / CF3 |
Plug | SS304 / SS316 |
Piston Spring | Spring stel |
Plug+Piston Shaft | SS304 / SS316 |
F/E end Conection | CF8 / CF8M / WCB / CF3 / CF3M |
Teflon for body | PTFE |
Seat ring | SS304 |
Hydraulic | 150 # | 425 psig | 300 psig |
Pneumatic | 150 # | - | 100 psig |
Hydraulic | 300 # | 1100 psig | 800 psig |
Pneumatic | 300 # | - | 100 |
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Globe valves are among the most popular type of valves used in various applications. These valves are similar to gate valves and use linear motion to throttle flow. They are used to control the flow in a pipeline and they regulate by the position of a movable disk (or plug) in relation to the stationary ring seat. The major advantage of a globe valve is, it does not leak as much as other valves.